New look, new posts, and a fun new site to explore!
“Exciting news! I’ve launched a brand new website and blog at where I’ll be posting fresh content daily. I’m moving over my favorite articles from Medium and sharing brand new stories, reflections, essays and more across all sorts of genres. As a bonus, each post features unique images that I created myself to accompany the writing.
Whether you’re into children’s stories, satirical comments on life, or in-depth journalism, there’s a little something for everyone. I’d be honored if you took a few minutes to check out the site and subscribe for updates so you never miss a new post. Curiosity and passion make for fine bedfellows!
Thanks so much for your support of my writing and art! I deeply appreciate you following along on this creative journey. See you over on The Blog!
“Curiosity is the engine of achievement. It is the little voice inside each of us that asks questions like ‘What would happen if I …?’ and ‘Why does that happen?’ and ‘How does that work?’ The way to keep that curiosity alive and vibrant is by feeding it, by making a conscious choice to follow where it leads, even when that means taking a chance, or trying and failing and trying again.”
Sir Ken Robinson
This quote beautifully captures how curiosity propels us forward in life, motivating us to explore, discover, learn and grow. Our innate inquisitiveness about the world around us keeps us engaged and striving to understand more.
Curiosity inspires us to take risks, push past failures, and persistently pursue the answers we seek. By consciously choosing to nurture and follow our curiosity, we keep that vital spark within us alive.
Curiosity is the force that leads to breakthroughs, innovations and a richer experience of life.
Winter can be a difficult time for many people. The darkness and cold of the season can affect people’s mood and energy levels, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. This phenomenon is known as the “winter blues” and can have a profound impact on someone’s life if not addressed. How can we survive the winter blues?
When people feel isolated, they may become overwhelmed by the loneliness and feel hopeless. This can lead to a range of negative emotions, such as depression, anxiety, fear, and anger. It is important to recognize that these feelings are not permanent and can be managed with the right strategies that will help you survive solitude when it is not beneficial.
What is the winter blues?
The winter blues are a type of seasonal depression that affects many people during the colder months. It usually begins in the fall and continues through the winter. It is a combination of physical, emotional, and behavioral shifts, brought on by changes in daylight and temperature.
The most common symptoms of the winter blues include feeling more tired than usual, loss of motivation and energy, difficulty concentrating, and feeling down or irritable. In some cases, the winter blues can lead to more serious conditions such as depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). (More about SAD in the Mayo Clinic video at the end of this post.) While it’s normal to feel a bit down or off during the colder months, if you’re feeling persistently low or anxious, it’s important to talk to a doctor or mental health professional.
Reasons for feeling lonely and isolated during the colder months
The winter months can be a challenging time for many of us. With shorter days, colder temperatures, and limited activities, it’s easy to feel disconnected and alienated. We may have had less opportunities to socialize with friends and family due to the pandemic and this can impact our social structure in the long term. Even if you live with family or roommates, it’s possible to feel isolated due to lack of meaningful connection.
In addition, the winter blues can make it difficult to concentrate on tasks and be productive. This can lead to boredom, frustration and low self-esteem. Which can further exacerbate the winter blues. People who are lonely or isolated may also be more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as substance abuse, overeating, and not getting enough sleep. Research has shown that loneliness can have negative impacts on physical and mental health, including increasing the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. These feelings can be difficult to grapple with, but it is possible to manage them with the right coping strategies.
How to survive the winter blues
The first step in beating the winter blues is to recognize that it’s normal to feel a bit down during the colder months. Identify the underlying causes of your symptoms and take steps to address them. This may include making lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, spending time outdoors in natural light can help to boost your mood and energy levels. If it’s too cold outside for you find ways to stay active indoors, such as taking a yoga class or doing an online workout.
Taking care of your mental wellness is just as essential as physical health. There are various approaches that can be beneficial, such as self-care, mindfulness, connecting with people, physical activity, enjoying hobbies, and engaging in creative pursuits.
Practice good self-care
It’s essential to prioritize yourself and your wellbeing when tackling loneliness and seclusion. This includes nourishing your body with nutritious food, getting adequate rest and exercise, and taking some moments for yourself. Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, and connecting with nature can be exceptionally helpful in reaching that state of ease. Avoid negative coping behaviors, such as overuse of alcohol, overspending, or excess screen time, which can increase depression and deepen the winter blues.
Stay in the Present Moment
Paying attention to the present is a skill that can be developed through mindfulness. It involves being aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgement and allowing yourself the space to experience and accept them. Mindfulness can assist in keeping a connection with oneself, even when feeling lonely or removed from others. Thoughts about what may happen in the future are not real. And the past is gone forever.
Reach out to People
Maintaining relationships is key to overcoming loneliness and separation. Though it may be hard to see people in person during cold weather, there are still a lot of options to stay in contact. Setting up virtual gatherings, video conferencing, and online forums are all excellent methods to remain connected with others. In addition to forming meaningful relationships, it’s important to make sure you’re having fun. Try to avoid toxic or negative folks. They will pull you down if they can.
Keep Moving
Staying physically active is a very effective way to cope with loneliness and isolation. Increasing your heart rate for 20 minutes three times per week can boost endorphins and combat low mood. Plus, it can help minimize stress and worry, and bring about a general sense of wellbeing. What’s more, doing regular exercise can help boost your physical energy levels. Even if it’s cold, make an effort to get out and get some fresh air. Stay active! Walking, running or even dancing is extremely beneficial.
Explore Your Creative Side
Engaging in creative activities can be an effective way to cope with loneliness and isolation and give yourself a sense of accomplishment. Developing and sharing your unique ideas through writing, art, music or any passion you have can be a great way to express yourself. And a very powerful way to stay connected to your inner self and you own truth.
Dealing with feelings of loneliness and depression
If you’re feeling lonely or depressed during the winter months, it’s important to take care of yourself and seek support. Reach out to friends and family and let them know how you’re feeling. You may find that they’re able to provide a listening ear and offer words of encouragement. If your feelings of loneliness and depression persist, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can help you to identify the underlying causes of your symptoms and help you develop strategies to cope with them.
Healthy ways to boost your mood and energy levels
One of the best ways to boost your mood and energy levels is to get enough sleep. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night, avoid napping during the day and stick to a regular sleep schedule. Do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself to beat the winter blues. Here are some tips for staying positive and energized during the colder months:
Increase Your Vitamin D Levels
Avoid fatigue, muscle weakness and pain in winter by boosting your Vitamin D levels with both vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acid supplements. Even if the weather is chilly, make sure to spend some time outdoors every day to get some natural light on your face. Additionally, if possible, consider buying a sun lamp and sitting in the light for a minimum of half an hour daily. These lamps are compact, so you can easily keep one at your desk. Or try a Dawn Simulator. More about these options in the Mayo Clinic video at the end of the post.
Eat Well
Eating healthy is not only about what you eat but also when and where you eat. It can make all the difference in how you feel. You can start by eating a variety of foods, making sure to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet. This helps to provide essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals to keep your body functioning optimally. Eating healthy does not mean you have to give up all of your favorite treats, but rather to enjoy them in moderation.
Practice Gratitude
Cognitive behavioral therapy suggests that our emotions and behaviors are preceded by our thoughts, so strive to maintain a constructive mindset. Writing down what you are grateful for in a journal is one way to do this, as well as retraining your brain to discern the positive aspects of any given situation and sharing them with others. Keep thought journals to restructure negative thinking to more positive and adaptive ways of thinking. Make being thankful a habit.
Structure Your Day
It is essential to create a structure for your day and incorporate both self-care and social support into your routine. Good time management is one of the most important things to remember to avoid being overwhelmed by the winter blues. Set yourself some realistic goals for the day, and break them down into manageable tasks and a time frame in which to complete them. This will help you to stay on track and maintain a sense of productivity.
Plan A Sunny Getaway
Not only can the sunshine lift your spirits, but the break from routine will also give you a much-needed boost to your overall wellbeing. If your time and finances permit, schedule a getaway to some place warm and sunny between January and April. There are countless mental and physical health benefits when looking forward to a vacation and taking time off from work. This is especially important as many of us are dealing with overwork and burnout these days. Whether you choose to relax on a beach, explore a new city or take part in some fun activities, you’ll come back feeling refreshed and energized. More than ready to take on the rest of the winter season.
Nurture Your Mental Wellbeing
Looking after your mental health is important, especially with the winter blues setting in. Talk to a counselor or therapist if you think it could help. Investing in yourself and your mental health can improve your mood and enhance greater self-confidence. Furthermore, ask your doctor to check your vitamin D and thyroid levels, as these can have an effect on depression, and consider if an antidepressant could be beneficial.
Key Takeaways: Survive the winter blues with the right attitude and perspective
Winter can be a tough time for a lot of folks, but it is possible to beat the winter blues. By taking steps to address the underlying causes of your symptoms, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and connecting with others, you can learn to embrace winter. Use positive self-talk to encourage yourself along the way.
No matter how hard it may be, remember that you are never alone. There are always people who care, and there are always strategies to help you overcome the depression associated with winter. With the right strategies and support, you can beat the winter blues and survive solitude.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Seasonal Affective Disorder – Mayo Clinic Health System
Before you go
Is it possible to have too much time alone? The pandemic has taught us that enforced solitude can have an adverse impact on our mental health. Similarly, solitude as a form of punishment can be challenging to manage. We will explore these topics and more in upcoming posts. Be sure not to miss any of Solitude Reflections and join our email list! Don’t forget to add us to your contacts so we don’t end up in your spam folder.
Until next time, stay well out there and enjoy your time alone! With love, Gael
PS. You will find some new mindfulness and relaxation exercises on the Breathe page. Including Tina Turner’s “Beyond” video.
Share your comments by clicking on ‘Comments’ at the head of the post. We would all love to hear your thoughts.
In stillness lives wisdom. In quiet you’ll find peace. In solitude you’ll remember yourself.
Robin Sharma
In the previous post we took a look at how the benefits of solitude can be a great asset for contemplation, creativity, and personal growth. It gives us the chance to recover and recharge ourselves. Even though it can be advantageous, many people have a hard time being by themselves. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and a sense of disconnection. Or fear of not having the opportunity to experience new things. In this article, we’ll explore more in depth the different types of alone time. And how it can be harnessed as a positive and powerful life-enhancing experience.
What is the Power of Solitude?
When embraced with intention, being alone can be an incredible aid to self-awareness and recovery. Taking time out to consider life, manage feelings, and dream up new concepts can be a lovely way to destress. By recognizing the strength of solitude, we can gain more insight into ourselves. And have the space to recognize our needs. We can expand our capacity for empathy and develop a deeper appreciation for oneself and the world around us. Additionally, solitude can be a powerful tool to help build mental resilience, finding strength and healing in the face of adversity.
Understanding the Different Types of Solitude
Solitude can come in many forms. It can be a solitary activity like yoga or meditation, or it can be a period of time spent alone. There are also many different types of solitude that can be harnessed. Let’s look at some of the diverse types of solitude:
Physical Solitude:
When talking about physical seclusion, it means being alone by yourself. Taking a stroll or dedicating time to the outdoors are great ways to be physically alone. It can also be as simple as taking some time to yourself in the comfort of your own home.
Mental Solitude:
When someone talks about mental solitude, they’re referring to the state of being alone while your thoughts are engaged with something else. This could involve reading a book, listening to music, or watching a movie. It’s a chance to take some time out while still occupying your mind.
Spiritual Solitude:
Taking the time to be all by yourself and free your mind of all thoughts is what is known as spiritual solitude. This could involve meditating, praying, or just sitting quietly. It is a moment dedicated to connecting with your inner self, understanding your spiritual being. And accessing a higher level of consciousness.
Social Solitude:
Being socially isolated doesn’t necessarily mean being completely disconnected. It can also mean being alone while still engaging with the world around you. Like spending time on social media or messaging a friend. Though you’re by yourself, you still have a connection to the outside world.
Exploring the Benefits of Solitude
Taking some time for yourself can be extremely beneficial, when done with the right intentions. Here are some of the incredible advantages of harnessing the power of solitude.
Self-reflection is an important process that helps us to gain clarity and understanding of our thoughts and feelings. It gives us the opportunity to identify our emotions and really take a step back from our lives, seeing things from a different perspective. Being alone allows us the time to process our emotions and reflect upon the decisions we have made. It gives us an opportunity to make changes if needed. Self-reflection is an important part of self-care, helping us to stay true to ourselves and live life with intention.
Taking time to be by ourselves can help us tap into our creative side. It allows us to explore our creative abilities, free from any influence from others. It is a great way to generate unique ideas and discover new hobbies we never thought possible. There is no better feeling than taking the time to create something that only you can do. Something that you can look back on and be proud of. Taking time for yourself to explore your creative abilities gives you an opportunity to have fun and find a sense of purpose.
Taking time alone to focus on ourselves can be one of the most rewarding activities we can do. It helps us to put our goals and aspirations into perspective and really buckle down on what needs to be taken care of. This helps us to prioritize tasks on hand and be more productive. This allows us to make the most of our day. It also helps us to establish better habits. We can take a step back and evaluate our progress by assessing our current situation and making necessary adjustments in order to move forward. Taking time alone to focus can help us become better versions of ourselves and reach our full potential.
Solitude can be a great tool in our healing process. It provides us with a much-needed space to find inner tranquility and self-reflection to process issues and heal trauma. Through this time alone, we can cultivate a better understanding of ourselves and connect with the depths of our emotional being. Solitude encourages us to take the time to listen to our inner voice and reconnect with our own sense of security. This enables us to move forward in life with greater emotional balance and wellbeing.
How to Incorporate Solitude into Your Lifestyle
To make the most of the advantages of being alone, it’s essential to make space for it in your daily routine. Here are a few suggestions to help you harness solitude in your life.
Schedule Alone Time:
Setting aside a specific period each day to practice meditation or journaling can be incredibly beneficial and help you to feel more relaxed and at ease. By scheduling this time into your daily or weekly routine, you can ensure that you’re taking the time to pause and reflect. It’s essential for your mental and emotional wellbeing to have dedicated time for yourself. Write this time into your calendar to make sure it becomes a priority.
Develop a Plan:
Putting together a plan for your alone time is a great way to maximize the value of your personal moments. It can be a specific activity or simply a period of relaxation – the important thing is to have a clear idea of how to create the space for yourself. Furthermore, taking this time to prepare for the days and weeks ahead can help you take control of your life and attain equilibrium while maximizing your enjoyment in your time alone.
Find a Quiet Space:
Having your own private space where you can relax and feel secure is an important part of life. Make sure to take the time to find a tranquil spot that you can reserve for yourself. Whether it’s a cozy corner of your living room or a bench by the pond, ensure it’s somewhere away from distractions where you can truly feel relaxed. There’s nothing quite like having a place that you can go to and escape the chaos of everyday life.
Disconnecting from the digital world can give you the peace of mind and clarity that you need to make wise decisions. A break from your phone, TV, Social Media and the Internet is an important step to avoid getting sidetracked in your life. Dedicate attention to yourself, pause and take a few moments to reflect on things that really matter without the noise of the digital world.
Creating Space for Reflection and Reflection Questions
Reflection is an important part of the process of harnessing the power of solitude. It gives us the opportunity to process our thoughts and feelings, and gain clarity and understanding. Here are some reflection questions you can use to get started:
What are some things I want to let go of in my life?
What are some things I want to focus on in my life?
What have I learned about myself recently?
What are my values and how can I live in alignment with them?
What are some fears I have and how can I overcome them?
What is one thing I can do today to make myself feel better?
What are some things I'm grateful for in my life?
Types of Solitude Activities
There are many different types of activities that can be done while in solitude. Here are some suggestions to help you begin:
Yoga is a wonderful way to reconnect with yourself, to help you find your stillness and become more aware of who you are and what you need. It’s a natural way to reduce stress and bring balance to your life. Taking the time to devote yourself to this practice aids in finding the clarity and insight you need to make healthier lifestyle choices. It can also help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, creating an inner peace and serenity that will last.
Meditating is a powerful way to get in touch with yourself and your innermost feelings. It allows you to take a deep dive into your thoughts and emotions, uncovering your true beliefs and values. By taking the time to focus on mindfulness and become deeply connected to meaningful experiences, you can find a sense of peace and tranquility, enabling you to better manage stress, anxiety, and even pain. Ultimately, meditation provides an incredibly valuable experience that helps give you the tools to live life more positively.
Writing in a journal has been proven to help reduce stress, and nurture a positive mood. It can even help improve short-term memory! The act of simply putting your thoughts into words can be a great way to move through the day in an organized, confident way. It also gives you time to reflect on your current state of mind. And allows you to focus on the things that really matter. So why not start putting pen to paper today and reap the benefits of writing in a journal?
Reading offers so many different ways to escape the hectic and frenetic pace of everyday life. With poetry, you can open your heart and explore emotions or dream away with fiction and explore new worlds. Or if you want to learn something new, there’s always a wealth of knowledge to be found in non-fiction pieces. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, adventure or knowledge, perusing is the perfect way to get away from the external world.
Writing is a powerful tool for self-expression and creativity, as it engages multiple areas of the brain. Over time, the more you write, the more neural connections you form and thus, the more you learn to communicate clearly, be more productive, make better decisions and ultimately be happier. It’s an amazing way to get in touch with yourself and tap into your creative potential. So why not give writing a try? You’ll discover amazing insights into yourself and how to express your thoughts and feelings more effectively.
Preparing food can be an incredibly rewarding experience to have by yourself and a fun way to take a break from the everyday routine. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to get creative in the kitchen exploring new recipes and international cuisine. The satisfaction of creating a delicious meal that can be shared with friends or family is truly worthwhile. Cooking is the perfect way to relax, express yourself, and learn something new!
Working in the garden is not only a great way to get some exercise, but it can also be really good for your heart and soul! Interacting with the natural world has been proven to reduce stress and increase feelings of self-esteem. Planting a flower or mowing the lawn, simply being out in nature can make you feel more connected to the world around you. As you nurture your plants and watch them grow, it can make you feel accomplished and provide a sense of achievement.
Practices For Harnessing Solitude
If you want to make the most of your alone time, it’s a good idea to establish certain habits and keep up with them. Here are some practices for harnessing solitude:
Create Boundaries:
Establishing healthy boundaries is key to taking good care of yourself and having high self-esteem and self-respect. By setting time limits and specific activities to do while alone, you are able to separate your needs, thoughts, feelings, and desires from those of others. This helps ensure that you are not overwhelmed with the wants of others and instead take responsibility for yourself. Making sure to stick to these boundaries will empower you to make healthy decisions and prioritize your wellbeing.
Be Present:
When we focus on being in the present moment, simple pleasures emerge from the experience. It’s not about being wrapped up in worry or to-do lists but rather taking the time to appreciate what you have right now. When you stay in the moment and concentrate on your thoughts and feelings you become more effective in dealing with life. You start to recognize that this present moment is where all the possibilities and joys are for you.
Be Patient and Kind:
It can take a while to adjust to being alone and that’s ok. Self-compassion is important when navigating through this process; believe in yourself and allow yourself the time it takes to heal and really step into your power. Having patience with ourselves allows us to have faith in our own abilities; it strengthens our resolve and gives us the energy we need to recover. Everyone has their own journey, take the time you need to move through yours and be kind to yourself along the way.
Tips for Making the Most of Alone Time
If you want to make the most of your alone time, it is beneficial to cultivate certain routines and behaviors. Here are some tips for making the most of alone time:
Set an Intention:
Before you start your alone time, take some extra time to set an intention. By setting an intention before you start, you can make the most out of your time alone. Whether it’s to relax or explore new ideas, having a clear purpose helps you focus and use this time to its full potential. Taking the initiative to decide how to best spend your free time will help ensure that you are making the most of it!
Prepare Ahead of Time:
Preparation is key in getting the most out of your alone time; take a few moments to write out your goals for the session, gather the materials you need, and set up your space. Consider running a warm bath and lighting some candles to create a more relaxed atmosphere. This will help you transition from the bustle of your day into a peaceful, calming environment that’s perfect for reflection and relaxation.
Be Flexible:
Being spontaneous is key to not feeling stuck in solitude. Circumstances are ever-changing and sometimes your plans won’t work out the way you expected them to. Thus, it is important to be flexible with yourself and not be afraid to change your alone time agenda. If you need to take a break or switch activities, don’t hesitate to do so. It’ll help you keep your momentum and stay motivated.
Let Go of Expectations:
We often put a lot of unnecessary pressure on ourselves. If we are able to let go of any expectations we have for our time alone and just let the process unfold naturally we can free ourselves from a lot of disappointment and stress. This way, we can enjoy the process more and relax into it. We have the power to choose how we want to respond and by doing so we can unlock our inner peace and enjoy our solitude.
Strategies for Overcoming Loneliness
It’s important to remember that loneliness and solitude are not the same thing. Loneliness is a feeling of isolation and emptiness, while solitude is a period of being alone and connecting with yourself. Here are some strategies for overcoming loneliness:
Connect with Others:
The positive effects of social connection on our mental health can be so strong that it can even increase our lifespans. Studies have indicated that those with more social connections had a greater mental health boost. And also experienced an increased quality of life. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the importance of social connection and make sure we make time to spend with friends and family. By neglecting our need to connect, we are putting our mental and physical well-being at risk.
Focus on Yourself:
Prioritizing your own needs and desires is essential for your self-discovery and growth. Notice your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. These small steps will help you make steady progress towards a more fulfilling life. And help you take control of your own destiny. Prioritizing yourself should be at the top of your list, so don’t forget to look after your own well-being!
Explore New Interests:
Overcoming your fears, discovering new talents, and increasing your adaptability are just a few of the many benefits of trying something new. By engaging your mind in activities such as enrolling in a course, participating in a group activity, or taking up a pastime, you can improve your memory, mood and motivation. Even if you feel like you don’t have the time or energy to try something new, it is worth taking the first step. You may find that the rewards are more than worth it!
Seek Professional Help:
Experiencing loneliness can be tough. Counselors can provide you with the support to manage your feelings and to figure out ways to cope with loneliness. Talking to a professional can help you understand why you feel lonely and how to better address the situation. They can give you tools and tips that will enable you to build relationships that are meaningful and lasting. A counselor can also provide companionship, so don’t be afraid to reach out. It could be the start of a journey towards feeling more connected and less alone.
Key Takeaways
Investing in yourself by taking some personal time to be alone with your thoughts can help you to understand yourself and your needs. And to gain insight into the decisions you make and the actions you take. It can help you to develop the confidence to be yourself and to make choices that are right for you.
When you’re alone with yourself, you can take the time to ask yourself questions and to be honest with the answers. This can give you valuable insight into how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking.
When you create opportunities to spend time alone, you can harness the power of solitude and discover what is important to you. Take the time to plan when and where you will take the time to be alone and unlock the potential of these moments.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Lao Tzu
Before you go
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. In our upcoming articles we will be exploring various aspects of being alone such as Solitude in the Winter, Solitude in Relationships, and Solitude in relation to Spirituality. If you haven’t yet, please Subscribe and spread the word to anyone who might be interested. There are share buttons in the sidebar.
If you have any ideas for topics related to Solitude, feel free to reach out to me through the contact page or leave a comment. There is a new page on the site; Breathe – simple calming practices to help you begin your time in solitude.
Oh, to just practice and live and love in agape's shield.
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