A futuristic village surrounded by mountains and water.
The new home of Gael MacLean’s Blog.

New look, new posts, and a fun new site to explore!

“Exciting news! I’ve launched a brand new website and blog at gaelmac.com where I’ll be posting fresh content daily. I’m moving over my favorite articles from Medium and sharing brand new stories, reflections, essays and more across all sorts of genres. As a bonus, each post features unique images that I created myself to accompany the writing. 

Whether you’re into children’s stories, satirical comments on life, or in-depth journalism, there’s a little something for everyone. I’d be honored if you took a few minutes to check out the site and subscribe for updates so you never miss a new post. Curiosity and passion make for fine bedfellows!

Thanks so much for your support of my writing and art! I deeply appreciate you following along on this creative journey. See you over on The Blog!

“Curiosity is the engine of achievement. It is the little voice inside each of us that asks questions like ‘What would happen if I …?’ and ‘Why does that happen?’ and ‘How does that work?’ The way to keep that curiosity alive and vibrant is by feeding it, by making a conscious choice to follow where it leads, even when that means taking a chance, or trying and failing and trying again.”

Sir Ken Robinson

This quote beautifully captures how curiosity propels us forward in life, motivating us to explore, discover, learn and grow. Our innate inquisitiveness about the world around us keeps us engaged and striving to understand more.

Curiosity inspires us to take risks, push past failures, and persistently pursue the answers we seek. By consciously choosing to nurture and follow our curiosity, we keep that vital spark within us alive.

Curiosity is the force that leads to breakthroughs, innovations and a richer experience of life.